Embossed Ceiling Paper - sheet size: 173/8" wide by 12" high
Price per sheet - Retail price: £3.25; Trade price (discount for quantities of 10 or more sheets)

This is a genuine 1/12th scale embossed paper for ceilings.

Embossed wall paper

Embossed ceiling paper (H30)

Embossed wall paper

Embossed ceiling paper after varnishing

Embossed Dado Wall Paper - sheet size: 173/8" wide by 12" high
Price per sheet - Retail price: £3.25; Trade price (discount for quantities of 10 or more sheets)

This is a genuine 1/12th scale embossed paper for walls or ceilings.

Embossed Dado paper

Embossed dado wall paper (H65)

Embossed Dado paper

Embossed dado wall paper after varnishing

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